PTEMS  0.1.0-dev+git.81fd0e4
PolyTopic Element Method Solver
ptems::VirtualElementSpace< HBasis, DIM, X, N > Class Template Reference

Discrete function space of virtual element functions for \(H^1\) functions. More...

Detailed Description

template<template< std::size_t > class HBasis, std::size_t DIM, typename X = double, std::size_t N = 1>
class ptems::VirtualElementSpace< HBasis, DIM, X, N >

Discrete function space of virtual element functions for \(H^1\) functions.

Template Parameters
HBasisType of polynomials defining a hierarchical basis to project the virtual elements onto, such as LegendrePolynomials or Monomials
DIMThe dimension of the domain (and mesh)
XThe type of the result of the functions (double, std::complex, etc)
NThe size of the resulting vector space (N=1 for scalars)

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